It took a few weeks of almost constant work to pull all of the many tasks and projects together, but we're 99.657% done! WHEW!! The crew completed some varnishing work, installation of a new wind generator, disassembled and lubed ALL of the winches, a new cockpit table, cooked seven days worth of hot dinners, (and provisioned
breakfasts, lunches and snacks) purging many unneeded goodies (flannel sheets, extra equipment and years of accumulated of "good stuff"), loaded ALL the gear, toys (diving and foil boarding equipment) and food.
We shove off tomorrow after we run a few more errands... fill the propane tanks, buy more 4200 caulk and some additional bins from Wally World... Many, many thanks to sister Tish & husband Ademir for putting us up (and putting up with us) for these few weeks as we toiled all day and returned to some AMAZING dinners. We also commandeered their garage into a varnish shop and warehouse for the items returning home in Rick K & Chrissy's van.
Next stop.... Grand Turk Island in the Turk & Caicos Islands and a few days of sight seeing and snorkeling the reefs. Then on to the San Blas Islands off of Panama and a step back in time.
In three of four weeks we'll be heading to the Panama Canal & into the South Pacific!
